
Housing Solutions
The Geometry team is proud to be able to contribute to the social housing sector through the implementation and support of the Housing Management Solution (HMS) software.
In 2016 Geometry designed, developed and implemented a modern public housing management solution for the Department of Communities Tasmania (DoCT). The system was designed from first principles to satisfy today’s requirements in an Australian public housing context.
HMS has been subject to continual development and enhancement since its inception and was modified to suit community housing needs for the highly successful deployment to the Centacare Evolve Housing organisation during 2020.
The HMS product has now reached a level of maturity and stability where it can be confidently deployed to social housing providers Australia-wide, usually under Geometry’s Software as a Service model.
Geometry is especially proud to have been invited to join PowerHousing Australia as an Associate Partner in September 2020 and is looking forward to strongly supporting PowerHousing Australia activities and engaging more fully with the membership.